Friday, October 22, 2010

my "crazy" final project

wOw wOw...
  • SCANNING - the picture that we get can be scan by using steganography application that i want to develop. it can show the color pixel of the picture changes. it means, we can know whether the picture are contain the hidden data or not
  • STEGANOGRAPHY - the application that can use to hide the data within a picture. It can secure our important information during a transmission.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

28 september 2010

its my bday...haha...dh lama bru nk cite kn...saje je lmbt2 nk cite(padahal uma xde tenet....haha)

first time nana kne 'BOM' tuk bday nie adalah dtg dr LYDIA BINTI AKEE dan ABDULLAH SHAHIBAH BIN SAMSUDIN...thanx to all of u...pancing gua ng burger ea...jahat gile

second time plak pd mlmnye...'BOM' dr izyan, fadh, izni, afiq, danial, ash n am...perhh, nyaris x jd kn kowg knekn ak sbb tyme tu ak ckp ak dh tdo, tp kowg dtg bw kek plak kn...kesian kat kowg dtg uma kejutkn ak, tu laa pasal ak ikowt kowg kua...kowg ckp nk d aliff bistro, tp ak pelik gak kowg pusing tmpt lain...rupanya dh sediakn 'mknn' terbaik tuk ak...

picture 'BOOM BOOM PAU'